
Get to Know the Stenograph Team – Andy Schanz

Stenograph is extremely proud of the team we have working together to provide our customers with the best equipment and solutions in the industry. While we have added several new faces to our team, we also have numerous employees that have been with us for many years. Our employees come to work every day with the goal of finding ways to make your work life better, we thought you might enjoy getting to know a few of them. Here’s a Q & A with Andy Schanz.

What is your name? Andy Schanz

What is your title? Quality and Inventory Control Coordinator

How long have you been working at Stenograph? Almost 2 years


What is something unique about yourself? My tattoos

Can you briefly tell us about your family? I live in Palos Heights with my wife Christina and my step-son Nicholas. I also have a 7-year-old daughter.

Tell us one thing on your bucket list. I would like to play the tambourine onstage with Pearl Jam during a cover of Baba O’Riley!

What is your favorite vacation spot? Marco Island, Florida. Also, SW Michigan

What is your favorite food? Pizza/Cheeseburgers

What is your favorite movie? Dumb and Dumber and Slapshot

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