
Podcast: Project Steno Puts You in History’s Front-Row Seat

Court reporters go where most people don’t have access: all the courtrooms throughout the country, the halls of Congress, Hollywood, Camp David… the list goes on. It’s a career path that not

many people are aware even exists – but that’s beginning to change thanks to a new non-profit organization. The Project to Advance Stenographic Reporting, also known as Project Steno, aims to increase the number of court reporters in the field by shining a new light on this rewarding – and lucrative – career path.

“There will always be a need for humans in this work,” says Jim DeCrescenzo, President of Project Steno, “because software cannot accurately transcribe human speech – particularly when there are multiple speakers at once.”

Nancy Varallo, Executive Director of Project Steno, highlights the remarkable amount of flexibility this career path affords, as well as its worldwide opportunities. Project Steno helps people who are interested in the field by offering several free programs that teach the basics of court reporting. From there, the organization offers tuition assistance to students who want to pursue the career.

To learn more about Project Steno, check out the podcast the team here at Stenograph put together.

Project Steno Podcast

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