Have you heard about Ascend Training by Stenograph?

Stenograph is pleased to announce the upcoming launch of a new training platform called Ascend Training by Stenograph. This learning community will provide exclusive on-demand content, access to live subject matter expertise and peer-to-peer support to empower current and aspiring court reporting professionals to be more productive and profitable. “I’ve been with Stenograph for 31 […]

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Create a More Complete CaseViewNet Browser Link!

CATalyst Version 21 added the ability to generate a link that your CaseViewNet clients can use to automatically open their default web browser to www.caseviewnet.com with the Session Code and Password login fields already populated. This makes it faster and easier for you and your clients to connect. The CaseViewNet Browser Edition Link will avoid […]

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As a full-time reporter and firm owner, the Christmas break holds a truly special place in my heart. Yeah, there’s the Christmas celebration itself — family, food, drinks, and gifts. But it’s more than that. It’s a magical time where the Courthouse is closed, lawyers aren’t calling, and witnesses are away. Ahhh, how lovely.  Amidst the busy social calendar, I always have grandiose plans to do the mundane things I’ve put off all year when […]

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Sending Realtime Remotely

Many of my customers ask me the following question: “Karen, if I’m not in the same room as my judge or clients, how do I send my realtime to them?” Well, Stenograph has a simple solution that works for everyone.  It’s called a CaseViewNet Cloud Session code.  Reporters on any CAT software can begin using this immediately. […]

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Version 21 is Here!

Case CATalyst® Version 21 is available to download now! If you’re covered by EDGE, you’re entitled to this update: just click Help, Check for Updates. This update contains a number of exciting new features and enhancements you’re going to love! Here are just a few of the exciting changes you’re going to love: RealTeam™ Enhancements […]

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Because the Record Matters!

It’s Court Reporting and Captioning Week and Stenograph is celebrating along with every reporter, CART provider, captioner, and everyone who works with them to provide an accurate record for all and access for the deaf and hearing-impaired community. Like you, we are grateful for this opportunity to share what we love about these professions. There’s […]

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