2020 was an interesting year for everyone. In the court reporting community, many reporters found themselves trying to figure out how they could setup remote reporting. Cindi Lynch, Stenograph’s Training Program Manager, was eager to help. Cindi created a series of videos, Remote Reporting 101, which we launched last year. The series was designed to teach reporters the basics of running a web conference application to report remotely, to digitally marking exhibits, and running remote realtime with web conferencing. We wanted to remind you that these videos are a great tool and are available as a resource to you.
If you’re looking for additional resources, check out Ascend Training by Stenograph. It’s an online learning community that features webinars, articles, live Q&A sessions with Cindi Lynch, plus so much more! Signed up today for a free one-month trial, and take advantage of this great learning platform! Ascend Training | Stenograph L.L.C.
Remote Reporting 101 – Web Conferences
Remote Reporting 101 – How to Digitally Mark Exhibits
Remote Reporting 101 – CATalyst Realtime and Web Conferencing Using Two Systems
Remote Reporting 101 – CATalyst Realtime and Output to CaseViewNet Browser Edition