
Get to Know the Stenograph Team – Ray Hadad

Stenograph is extremely proud of the team we have working together to provide our customers with the best equipment and solutions in the industry. While we have added several new faces to our team, we also have numerous employees that have been with us for many years. Our employees come to work every day with the goal of finding ways to make your work life better, we thought you might enjoy getting to know a few of them. Here’s a Q & A with Ray Hadad.

What is your name? Ray Hadad

What is your title? Director of Marketing Communications

How long have you been working at Stenograph? I began working with our Enterprise team in 2022 and am now excited to be serving our company-wide marketing efforts.

What is something unique about yourself? I love being outdoors, from camping and overlanding in the warmer months to hitting the slopes when there’s snow.

Tell us what one thing on your bucket list. I would love to get my pilot’s license so that I can privately fly an airplane.

What is your favorite vacation spot? Variety is the spice of life; I am always looking to travel to new and interesting destinations. That being said, Park City is my favorite winter destination.

What is your favorite food? My absolute favorite food is sushi. Flavorful, fresh, and healthy, sushi has a wide variety of flavors and textures that take it to the top in my book.

What is your favorite movie? My all-time favorite book series would be Steven King’s Dark Tower Series

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