As Thanksgiving approaches, during a year that has been extremely tough for everyone, I wanted to take a moment to reflect upon all the things we at Stenograph can be thankful for. This year, we faced many unique challenges and had to adapt our thinking and operations to overcome these. We had to slowly and […]
Read MoreOur New Phone System Will Better Serve You
Watch as Stenograph’s Technical Support Team walks you through the advantages of our new phone system and explains how we can better serve you.
Read MoreLearning about the Luminex II
I have been a member of the Stenograph team for almost a year now, and a lot of that time has been dedicated to learning. It has been exciting to learn about the overall industry and how stenographers fit into it, but I also knew from the start that I would enjoy learning about the […]
Read MoreTake a Moment for a Quick Laugh
We all know 2020 has not gone how any of us planned. It has definitely been quite a year with a variety of challenges we have all faced. To help put a smile on your face and perhaps get you to laugh a little, we figured we would make this blog a funny one. We […]
Read MoreDid you remember to change the clock on your writer?
It’s that time of year again; time to change the clock on your writer. If you haven’t had a chance to do it yet, here’s how: Turn on the writer, and don’t write anything. Press Setup, then Time. Press Next three times to move the ^ to the hour. Then, press – once to fall […]
Read MoreSTARCON20 Recap: Old Friends and New Products
October 15- 17, Stenograph Employees participated in STARCON20, the annual conference of the STAR organization. STARCON was an opportunity to network, learn about new products, and share feedback among product users and the Stenograph team. While this is an annual event, it looked a little different this year as 2020 has brought so many […]
Read MoreHow Technology is Elevating Remote Training
Stenograph’s Training Program Manager, Cindi Lynch, recently joined MarketScale on their Software and Technology podcast. Cindi explains how the Ascend Training by Stenograph platform will save people time and money.
Read MoreReflections on my first 6 months at Stenograph
In March of 2020, I joined Stenograph as a Senior Software Product Manager. What a strange time to start a job—as the country and world were getting set to deal with a pandemic, and my first day at work (and many to follow) would be from my home office. As I met my new colleagues […]
Read MoreHow Ascend Members Get a Step Ahead
Ascend Training by Stenograph has been available for a couple of weeks now, and members have discovered the following about learning on this new platform: Training can be a very pleasant, supportive experience, one you look forward to and enjoy. Training is something you can do regularly during brief breaks; it is not necessary to […]
Read MoreAdaptation in a Rapidly Changing Environment
“The art of life is a constant readjustment to our surroundings.” – Okakura Kakuzo It seems that for many of us lately, the “art of life” has taken on a more surrealist style – unpredictable and irrational, with a touch of abstract expressionism – chaotic and messy. This is a result of our need to […]
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