Reporters and scopists spend a significant portion of their lives in a seated position. You sit when you write. You sit when you edit. When you’re not working, you most frequently want to sit and relax! The problem is, too much sitting can be the source of a number of long-term problems – weight gain, […]
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In a few days, people all over the United States will be getting together with family and/or friends and reflecting on what makes them feel thankful. I have a lot for which I am thankful, and my Stenograph and greater court reporting industry family is a major reason I am thankful this year. 30 years […]
Read MoreCreate New Steno Outlines Without “Extra” Keys
Coming up with simple but unique one-stroke steno outlines for speaker IDs, or AccelerWriters (macros executed during translation to edit from the writer) or even a unique fingerspelling alphabet can be difficult when you’re trying to avoid conflicts. Some reporters and captioners have even asked our developers to enhance future writers to include an “extra” […]
Read MoreKeep Windows Update from Getting In the Way of Realtime Connections!
Each time Windows Update downloads and installs an update to your operating system, the Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power setting for each of your USB ports may return to the default setting: selected. While this is probably a good idea for the average Windows PC user who requires any […]
Read MorePartnership: The Successful Reporter/Scopist Relationship
When scopists and reporters work as a team, each of them is happier, more productive and more profitable. Also, with the advent of RealTeam™, reporters and scopists need each other more than ever. However, a lot of reporters say that they’re unhappy with the quality of the scopists they’ve tried, and a lot of scopists […]
Read MoreUse Shortcuts to Make it Easier to Edit!
Whenever you can, you probably use a one-stroke brief to write a multisylllabic word or phrase instead of writing it out in three strokes or four strokes or more. Do you do the same thing when you’re editing with Case CATalyst? Do you press a shortcut key or do you press a lot keys to […]
Read MoreWhen It Comes To Your Business, Don’t Settle For “Good Enough”
When we reach young adulthood and begin managing money we’ve earned, one of the first lessons we learn is the difference between needs and wants, the benefits of living within our means, and the risks of failing to do so. We learn to sacrifice what we want: luxuries or higher-quality goods and experiences in order […]
Read MoreThe Benefits of CATalyst’s Cloud Backup
Sometimes in the excitement of discovering life-changing new equipment like the Luminex II or game-changing features like Real Team™, we forget about features that dazzled us when we first heard about them but haven’t quite gotten around to using yet! This week, I’d like to remind you about an incredibly valuable utility in Case CATalyst […]
Read MoreBeta Testers Discuss the Luminex II
Stenograph relies on a group of top professionals in the industry to beta test our hardware and software products and provide their thoughts on their experiences. The following are their reviews on the Luminex II. David Sperling, RDR, CRR, CRC Stenograph has proven once again that it is possible to improve on what I once […]
Read MoreWorld Champion Dee Boenau on the Luminex II
We let three-time NCRA Realtime Contest Champion and 2019 Intersteno Audio Transcription World Champion Dee Boenau, FAPR, RDR, CRR, CRC, get her hands on the Luminex II a little early. After spending time writing on the new machine, the following is her review, in her own words. Have you always wondered what it would feel […]
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