When you’re buying a present for someone you genuinely care about, like your scopist, or your reporter-client, or a reporting student, you want to get them something personal to them; something you know they need and will use. You want it to be something they will value. It needs to fit them perfectly and make […]
Read MoreTag: shortcuts
How Technology is Elevating Remote Training
Stenograph’s Training Program Manager, Cindi Lynch, recently joined MarketScale on their Software and Technology podcast. Cindi explains how the Ascend Training by Stenograph platform will save people time and money.
Read MoreHow Ascend Members Get a Step Ahead
Ascend Training by Stenograph has been available for a couple of weeks now, and members have discovered the following about learning on this new platform: Training can be a very pleasant, supportive experience, one you look forward to and enjoy. Training is something you can do regularly during brief breaks; it is not necessary to […]
Read MoreTop 10 Reasons to Join Ascend Training by Stenograph
10. You won’t have to take a day or two off to attend a training session; that you can learn what you want at your personal convenience. No need to cram in as much learning as possible into a single day or one weekend a year. Learn at your own pace and get immediate practical […]
Read MoreWhat Do You Need to Learn?
What could you be doing better, faster, and more efficiently when using your Case CATalyst software? How do you know what features you should learn to make a significant, practical difference in the amount of time you spend editing, or improving your dictionary? One way to find out is to hang out with other reporters, […]
Read MoreHave you heard about Ascend Training by Stenograph?
Stenograph is pleased to announce the upcoming launch of a new training platform called Ascend Training by Stenograph. This learning community will provide exclusive on-demand content, access to live subject matter expertise and peer-to-peer support to empower current and aspiring court reporting professionals to be more productive and profitable. “I’ve been with Stenograph for 31 […]
Read MoreCreate a More Complete CaseViewNet Browser Link!
CATalyst Version 21 added the ability to generate a link that your CaseViewNet clients can use to automatically open their default web browser to www.caseviewnet.com with the Session Code and Password login fields already populated. This makes it faster and easier for you and your clients to connect. The CaseViewNet Browser Edition Link will avoid […]
Read MoreGuarantee a Happier New Year!
We’re about to end one year and begin another; and as always, many people are thinking about what they can do to improve themselves and make 2020 a better year than 2019, and the ’20s a better decade than the ’10s. While you’re considering your own resolutions, let me suggest you put this one at […]
Read MoreRealTeam for a Happier Holiday
’Twas the night before Christmas, And all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, Except for the reporter or scopist desperately editing pages to try to get them out the door… That’s not a description of a happy holiday! The good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way. If you’re eager […]
Read MoreUse Shortcuts to Make it Easier to Edit!
Whenever you can, you probably use a one-stroke brief to write a multisylllabic word or phrase instead of writing it out in three strokes or four strokes or more. Do you do the same thing when you’re editing with Case CATalyst? Do you press a shortcut key or do you press a lot keys to […]
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